
The purpose of this page is to babble on about my wonderful little lady, Lillian Ainsley.

Lillian was born with Down Syndrome. We didn't know during pregnancy that she had DS, we didn't know the day she was born. She was a few weeks old before we found out. I am always thankful for this. Even though I would have never thought of ending the pregnancy if testing had been done (and shown positive), it was comforting to know that she was OK. Her father and I were still scared, but we didn't at all question her abilities or our love for her.

Lilly is a fantastic little girl. She is spunky, silly, funny, ADORABLE, and naughty. She is our everything. Her smile makes my day! And she really isn't any different than any other kid :)

I hope that sharing her stories with you will make the thought (or diagnosis) of Down Syndrome a little less frightening, or at least make your day a little brighter.


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